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Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 62, Rue Des Frere Benali Abdellah Hydra, Algiers Algeria Tel: (213-21) 692444; 692476 Fax: (213-21) 692856 E-mail:ghanaemb@assila.net
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Rua Cirilo Da Conceicao E Silva 5, 1o A C.P. 1012 Luanda Angola Tel: (244-222) 339222; 338239 Fax: (244-222) 338235 E-mail:embassyghana@ebonet.net
Ghana High Commission 13 Numeralla Street O'Malley, ACT 2606 Canberra Australia Tel: (61-2) 6290 2110, 6286 7275, 6286 9175 Fax: (61-2) 6290 2115 Email:gh57391@bigpond.net.au Website: www.ghanahighcom.org.au
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 7 Bld General Wahis B - 1030 Brussels Belgium Tel: (32-2) 705 8220 Fax: (32-2) 705 6653 E-mail:ghanaemb@chello.be Website: www.ghanaembassy.be
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana B.P. 488 Cotonou Guinea Tel: (229-21) 300746; 046140 Fax: (229-21) 300345; 309250 E-mail:ghaemb02@leland.bj
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Shis QL 10, Conj. 08, Casa 02 CEP 71630-085 P.O. Box 07-0456 Brasilia-DF Brazil Tel: (155-61) 3248-6047; 3248 6049 Fax: (55-61) 3248-7913 E-mail:ghaembra@zaz.com.br Website: www.ghanaembrasilia.org.br
Burkina Faso
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 01 - B.P. 212 Ouagadougou - 01 Burkina Faso Tel: (226-50) 307635; 301701 Fax: (226-50) 306960 E-mail:parent@lipt.infor.bf embagna@fasonet.bf
Ghana High Commission 153 Gilmour Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P ON8 Canada Tel: (1-613) 236 0871 Fax: (1-613) 236 0874 E-mail:ghanacom@ghc-ca.com Website: www.ghc-ca.com
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana No. 8, San Li Tun Road Beijing 100600 The People's Republic of China Tel: (86-10) 65321319; 65321544; 65322012 Fax: (86-10) 65323602 E-mail:ghaemb@public.bta.net.cu Website: www.ghanaembassy-china.org.cn
Democratic Republic of Congo
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 206, Av. Pierre - Mulele (ex 24 Novembre) P.O. Box 7955 KIN I Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: (243-81) 7008795 Fax: (243-81) 3464048 E-mail:ghanaemkin@yahoo.com Website: www.ghanaembassy.cu
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 5TA Ave. No 1808, Esquina A La Calle 20 Miramar Havana Cuba Tel: (537) 2042153; 2042613 Fax: (537) 2042317 E-mail:chancery@ghanaembassy.cu Website: www.ghanaembassy.cu
Cote D Ivoire
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 01 B.P. 1871 Abidjan 01 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: 00 (225)22 41 02 88/00 (225) 22 41 02 90 Fax: 00 (225)22 41 03 99
Czech Republic
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana V Tisine 4, Prague 6 Czech Republic Tel: (420-233) 377 236 Fax: (420-233) 375 647 E-mail:ghanapraggue@yahoo.com ghanaemb@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Egebjerg Alle 13 DK-2900 Hellerup Copenhagen Denmark Tel: (45-39) 62 8222 Fax: (45-39) 62 1652 E-mail:ghana@mail.dk
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Embassy of the Republic of Ghana P.O. Box 3173 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: (251-11) 371 1402; & 653 4434 Fax: (251-11) 371 2349 E-mail:ghmfa24@ethionet.et
Equatorial Guinea
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana B.P. 289 Caracolas Malabo Equatorial Guinea Tel: (240) 098 909 Fax: (240) 098 882; 098 883 E-mail:ghemb.gq@live.com Website:www.ghanaembassy.it
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 8 Villa Said 75116 Paris France Tel: (33-1) 4500 0950 Fax: (33-1) 4500 8195
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Stavangerstrasse 17 & 19 10439 Berlin Germany Tel: (49-30) 547 1490 Fax: (49-30) 446 74063 E-mail: chancery@ghanaemberlin.de
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana B.P. 732, Conakry Guinea Tel: (224) 63-409560 Fax: (224) 30-463136 E-mail: ghanaem13@yahoo.co.uk
Ghana High Commission 50-N Satya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 India Tel: (91) 2688 3298; 2688 3315 Fax: (91) 2688 3202 E-mail: ghstarin@vsnl.net Website: www.ghanaindia.com
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana House No. 5, Amirie Souri Street Zafernieh, Tehran Iran Tel: (98-21) 224 21 447; 2217 5363 Fax: (98-21) 224 21 448; 2621 8378 E-mail: ghanaembter@yahoo.com
Marine Terrace Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin A96 KD86 Ireland Tel: (353-1) 2303484 Fax: (353-1) 6638569
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 12 Ha Chilazon Street P.O. Box 1958 Ramat-Gan 52522 Israel Tel: (972-3) 576 6000 Fax: (972-3) 752 0827 E-mail:chancery@ghanaemb.co.il Website: www.ghanaemb.co.il
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 4 Via Ostriana 00199 Rome Italy Tel: (39-6) 8621 7191; 8621 9307 Fax: (39-6) 8632 5762 E-mail:info@ghanaembassy.it Website: www.ghanaembassy.it
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 1-5-21 Nishi-Azabu Minato-Ku, Tokyo 106-0031 Azabu, P.O. Box 16, Tokyo Japan Tel: (81-3) 5410 8631; 5410 8632, 5410 8633 Fax: (81-3) 5410 8635 E-mail:mission@ghanaembassy.or.jp Website: www.ghanaembassy.or.jp
Ghana High Commission P.O. Box 42824 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (254-20) 2421801; 8025265 Fax: (254-20) 8025477 E-mail:info@ghanahighcom.or.ke ghc@ghanahighcom.or.ke chancery@ghanahighcom.or.ke
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 5-4 Hannam-Dong Yongsan-Gu Seoul 140-210 C.P.O. Box 3887, Seoul Korea Tel: (82-2) 3785 1427; 749 8982; 749 8983 Fax: (82-2) 3785 1428 E-mail:ghana3@kornet.net Website: www.ghanaembassy.or.kr
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana P.O. Box 6421 Monrovia Liberia Tel: (231-77) 016920; 000813 Fax: (231-77) 036153 E-mail:ghanemb11@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana P.O. Box 4169 Tripoli Libya Tel: (218-21) 477 2534 Fax: (218-21) 477 3557 E-mail: ghanemb@all-computers.com
Ghana High Commission 14 Jalan ampang Hilir 55000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: (60-3) 4252 6995; 4257 9703; 4257 1264 Fax: (60-3) 4257 8698 E-mail: ghcomkl@tm.net.my
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana B.P. 3161 Bamako Mali Tel: (223) 229 6083; 229 0938 Fax: (223) 229 6084 E-mail:ambghana@orangemali.net
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 27, Rue Ghomara La Pinede-Souissi Rabat Kingdom of Morocco Tel: (212-37) 757620; 755219; 755195 Fax: (212-37) 757630 E-mail:ghanaemb@menara.ma
Ghana High Commission P.O. Box 24165 Windhoek Namibiav Tel: (264-61) 221341; 221342 Fax: (264-61) 221343 E-mail:ghmissio@mweb.com.na
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Laan Copes Van Cattenburch 70 2585 GD The Hague The Netherlands Tel: (31-70) 3384384; 3384385; 3384386 Fax: (31-70) 3062800 E-mail: mission@ghanaembassy.nl Website:www.ghanaembassy.nl
Ghana High Commission P.O. Box 2025 Garki Abuja Nigeria Tel: (234-9) 4615400; 4615420 Fax: (234-9) 4615407 E-mail: ghana_h@hotmail.com ghcomabuja@yahoo.com
Ghana Consulate-General P.O. Box 889 Lagos Nigeria Tel: (234-1) 9501338/54; 9501840 Fax: (234) 1-6283471 E-mail: ghacom03@coollink.us ghacom03@yahoo.com
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 14 Skaterny Pereulok Moscow Russia Tel: (7-495) 690 1969; 690 2327; 690 2335 Fax: (7-495) 690 2198; 690 2073 E-mail:gh_emb_mos@yahoo.com
Saudi Arabia
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana P.O. Box 94339 Riyadh 11693 Saudi Arabia Tel: (9661) 4545122; 4545126 Fax: (9661) 4509819 E-mail:ghanaemb@naseej.com Jeddah Consulate of Ghana No. 55 Jabel Al Tour Street Musharifa District, Jeddah P.O. Box 1657, Deddah 21441 Tel: (009662) 6607545
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana B.P. 25370 Pann Dakar Senegal Tel: (221-33) 869 1990 Fax: (221-33) 820 1950 E-mail:info@ghembsen.org Website: www.ghembsen.org
Serbia & Montenegro
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Dorda Vajferta 50 Belgrade 11000 Tel: (381-11) 3440 845/56; 3441 167 Fax: (381-11) 3440 071 E-mail:ghana@ghanaemb.rs Website: www.ghanaemb.rs
Sierra Leone
Ghana High Commission 16 Percival Street Freetown Sierra Leone Tel: (232-22) 223461; 223462 Fax: (232-22) 226387 E-mail:ghahicom@yahoo.com
South Africa
Ghana High Commission P.O. Box 12537 Hatfield 0028 Pretoria South Africa Tel: (12) 342 5847; 342 5848; 342 5849 Fax: (12) 342 5863 E-mail:ghanahc@iburst.co.za
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Capitan Haya, 38 10o A 28020 Madrid Spain Tel: (34-91) 5670440; 56670390 Fax: (34-91) 5670393 E-mail: mission@ghanaembassyspain.com
Switzerland (Berne)
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 11 Belpstrasse Postfach CH-3001 Berne Switzerland Tel: (41-31) 381 7852-4 Fax: (41-31) 381 4941 E-mail:ghanaemb@tcnet.ch Website: www.ghanaembassy.ch
Switzerland (Geneva)
Ghana Permanent Mission 56, Rue De Moillebeau 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: (41-22) 919 0450, 919 0451; 919 0452 Fax: (441-22) 734 9161 E-mail: chancery@ghanamission.ch Website: www.ghanamission.ch
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana B.P. 92, Lome Togo Tel: (228) 221 3194; 221 2602 Fax: (228) 221 7736 E-mail:ghmfa01@cafe.tg ghmfa01@laposte.tg
United Kingdom
Ghana High Commission 13 Belgrave Square London SWIX 8PN U.K. Tel: (44-20) 7201 5900; 7235 4142 Fax: (44-20) 7245 9552 E-mail: information@ghanahighcommissionuk.com Website: www.ghanahighcommissionuk.com
United States of America (Newyork)
Ghana Permanent Mission To The United Nations 19 East 47th street New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. Tel: (1) 212 832 1300 Fax: (1) 212 751 6743 E-mail:ghanaperm@aol.com ghanaun2@aol.com Website: www.ghanaembassy.org
United States of America (Washington DC)
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 3512 International Drive NW, Washington, DC 20008 Telephone: Tel: (1) 202 686 4520 Fax: (1) 202 686 4527 E-mail:admin@ghanaembassy.org Website: www.ghanaembassy.org
Ghana High Commission P.O. Box RW 50515 Lusaka Zambia Tel: (260-21) 123 8128 Fax: (260-21) 123 8131
Ghana Embassy 11 Downie Avenue, Belgravia P.O. Box 4445, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: (263-4) 700982; 701009; 252604 Fax: (263-4) 707076 E-mail:ghanaembassy@zol.co.zw ghcom25@africaonline.co.zw